If you are one of those people who find training their dog fun, you have come to the right page. The lessons one will teach can be practiced anywhere – in your living room, in the halls, and outdoors.

In teaching tricks to your pet, it is important to remember that tricks should be performed in short sessions.  This is done so the pet could have ample of time to rest.  You should also keep the training fun for you and your pet.  The moment you spent with your will contribute to your healthy bond.

Reading the Body Language

Dog obedience training is all about communication.  To become a better dog trainer, you should also be able to read the dog’s mood.  Your pet could be tired, stressed, or scared.  Signs like these often require you to cease the training.  Or else your dog will be vulnerable to diseases or present signs of aggression.

Reading the body language involves observing every aspect of your dog.  You monitor the pet’s facial expression, noises it makes, and body postures.  The dog will utilize its tail, mouth, and eyes to express what it feels.  By learning these, you will know what the pet is feelings so you can address its wishes.

The dog’s eye when half closed indicates signs of submission or pleasure.  Eyes wide open indicate aggression.  Never try to outstare your dog when this happens.  The tail is a lot harder to read but generally a wagging tail often expresses pleasure and friendliness.  There is no exact way a dog holds its tail.  This behavior varies from breed to breed.  However, when the dog waves its tail stiffly and slowly, it shows an angry expression.

Dogs often want to play.  It expresses this either by raising a paw, by barking, or by bowing down.  It might also offer a toy or jump over other dogs to instigate a chase.

In general, if your dog is feeling aggressive, it will make itself look larger by standing up with its tails and ears sticking upright.  A submissive dog often does the opposite.  It makes itself look small and behave like a puppy.

In addition, this instructional video will show to you proven dog obedience training that will benefit you and your pet. 

Teaching Correct Behavior

Pet dogs learn by association. The trick is to reward or praise the dog every time it does something nice.  With this method, the dog will more likely repeat the action.  Reward it with dog treats or praise it excessively.

With the basic concept in dog obedience, you may now begin teaching your pet what it can and cannot do.  Dangerous behaviors should be discouraged by telling your pet “No!”  This is enough to get the dogs attention.  Acts of violence and frequent shouting will not help your dog learn.

It is also important for your dog to know when to bark.  The trick here is to teach the dog when to stop.However, commanding “Stop barking” should be not be used as an act of reprimanding.

To start off any hobby, there is a need to think of possibilities that could grow from the hobby.  Will this hobby increase certain skills such as creativity and resourcefulness?  These are important thoughts to consider before jumpstarting a hobby. 

If you are in search of a serious hobby, give railroad modeling a try.  Railroad modeling is hobby that involves mirroring actual train and railroads into model railroaders.  Other enthusiasts, however, finds it more interesting and challenging to create original railroads.  Whatever method each enthusiast prefers, they find railroad modeling a good activity to spend their time on.

Picking the Model Train Theme

A theme gives your railroader model the feel, look, and functions.It is important for you to decide a theme in order for you to be comfortable and find more enjoyment in this hobby.

When starting a theme, you would ask for specific details in your model.  Basically, choosing the theme is knowing what you want in each components of your design.  When choosing a train, you would consider the model of the train.  The train is the center of your model and will dictate the whole feel of the railroad design.  Famous options are old style train set and electric or diesel powered modern trains.  The trains could contain either passengers or products like coal and livestock.

Your theme also covers the types of sceneries you would put.  If you decide on making an urban theme, you will be placing miniatures of buildings and skyscrapers.  If you lean on the rural theme, mountainous terrains are great details to place.

In deciding the theme, you would also encounter terms such as scale and gauge.  Despite its differences, these terms are often mixed up.  The scale is the term used to compare the size of the model to the actual train.  It is often expressed in terms of a ratio.  The most common scale used is 1:87th scale.  The gauge, on the other hand, is the measure between the rails on the actual or model track.

Creating the Structures of the Concepts

With all of the concepts decided, it is now time to start placing structure to the idea. You can start over in producing the scenery.

First, you have to find a board to place your layout.  The board layout is needed for you to do away with packing and unpacking the model.  The size of a board is variable.  For beginners, small boards are advisable.  As you spend more time and gain more experience on this hobby, you will think of bolder projects that will need larger boards.

The trick in creating your board is to make it sturdy.  By sturdy, meaning it can accommodate heavy weights such as your body weight.  At times you will have to place you’re your weight over the board to make repairs and reach for certain spots.

To create a more realistic look for your model, you should try placing ballast.  Ballast is not only pleasing to the eye but also creates more stability for your tracks.  Placing the ballast requires special methods because some particles of the ballast do not make contact with the glue.